Dear readers, who do not know Harry Potter? This literary series and film adaptation by J.K Rowling celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017. To our delight, we can say that animals take a prominent place in the wizarding world and are far from being put aside. Today we have thought of you, Harry Potter fans and animal lovers, and have prepared a little top 10 of the animals present in the Harry Potter saga. We will always learn about Harry Potter, and you may well be surprised.
To learn all about our top 10 animals in Harry Potter, read this article in its entirety!
Here we go, we open our eyes wide: Lumos.
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Hedwig is a Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus), more commonly called “Owl owl” in France, from the owl family. Right now, you are probably wondering why this masculine “UN Harfang” article? Well, quite simply because, unlike its French name, the Snowy Owl is an owl. And yes. Edwige is indeed an owl and not an owl.
The Owl is an all-white, majestic bird with recognizable yellow eyes. Males are pure white, while females and juveniles are lightly spotted or barred brown. It is a giant bird, reaching up to 70 cm in length. In proportion to his size, his eyes are enormous: they are about the same size as men. They are fixed, which often forces the Owl to turn its head to look around (270ΒΊ angle).
Edwig was given to Harry by Hagrid as a birthday present on his 11th birthday. Harry named it after he first leafed through his History of Magic book.
She dies in the Battle of the 7 Potters after trying to protect her best friend, but the circumstances differ from book to film. Why? Well, in the movie, it’s Edwig’s intervention that allows the Death Eaters to identify Harry. In contrast, in the book, Harry casts the “Expelliarmus” disarming spell that they consider being. His mark that the Death Eaters find out which of the 7 is the real Harry.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Edwige

Among the list of animals in Harry Potter is Croutard, also nicknamed Wormtail, whose real name is none other than Peter Pettigrew, one of the Animagus of the Harry Potter saga and servants the dark mage, Lord Voldemort. The sheath is Ron’s rat, formerly of Percy. It is significant, tinted grey and is probably part of the agoutis (hair colour) rats. Crusty looks like he’s sleeping all the time, his left ear is in tatters, and his front paw has a finger amputated.
In Prisoner of Azkaban, Custard bites Ron for the first time and then flees. Later in the tome/film, Sirius (Harry’s Godfather) will reveal that he was Peter Pettigrew in his Animagus form.
Anecdote: There is still a particular attachment to Ron and a very brief bravery act when Crustard bites Goyle during the first trip in the Hogwarts Express before going back to sleep immediately (book).
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Scabbard

Crockdur is the fearful dog of RubΓ©us Hagrid. He made his appearance in the first volume of the saga. In the movies, he is played by a Naples Mastiff while he is a Great Dane in the books.
Crockdur still accompanies Hagrid to the Forbidden Forest and also accompanied Draco and Harry during their first-year detention after Draco insisted on taking him with them:
Draco: “Alright, but I want Crockdur !!”
Hagrid: “Okay, but I’m warning you; he’s a real coward.”
Crockdur got his tail bitten by Norbert, the dragon in volume 1.
During OWL’s exams, Umbridge has Hagrid arrested, Crockdur takes a flash of bewilderment as he tries to interfere. (again, the loyalty of the dogs is second to none)
During the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, the Death Eaters set Hagrid’s hut on fire with Crockdur inside. He will end up saving his dog by braving the flames.
The phrase “Like master like a dog” is precise here: just like his master, Crockdur is imposing and fierce, but he is, in fact, quite lovable and benevolent.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Crockdur

Bushy: the three-headed dog
Tuffy is a three-headed dog that once belonged to Hagrid, who allegedly bought it from a “Greek friend” in a pub in 1990. He appeared in Harry Potter book 1. Bushy is part of the School of Witchcraft since Dumbledore gave him the role of watching over the Philosopher’s Stone. Nevertheless, the large fTouffu’s ease is that he falls asleep at the slightest note of music.
Touffu is the magical clone of the animal from Greek mythology Cerberus: the guardian of the underworld. Just like him, he keeps something and just like him. He has three heads. Don’t forget that Hagrid bought it from a GREEK friend β¦;)
In the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, to make Bushy more believable, the designers had to give each of the dog’s three heads a distinct personality. One is asleep, the other is smart, and the last is awake.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Bushy: the three-headed dog

Aragog is a male acromentula belonging to Hagrid. She makes her appearance in volume 2 of the saga and tries to send her hundreds of children to eat Harry and Ron. Acromentulas are vast spider species, similar to a giant tarantula. Although extremely intelligent and able to speak, consciously and consistently, just like humans, the Acromentula is considered an animal by the Ministry of Magic. Small problem: she can’t help but devour any human that comes within her reach. The Acromentula is native to Borneo’s island, where it would live there in the middle of the jungle. The Acromentula can lay up to 100 eggs at a time.
Aragog is rude to Hagrid and lives in the Forbidden Forest with his family. He dies in volume 6.
It seems that this creature was not born naturally but was the fruit of a wizard’s magic. Talking animals are generally not self-taught.
Aragog had a wife named Mosag, with whom he had hundreds of children.
A new spider species very similar to Aragog was discovered in Iran in 2017, so scientists named it “Lycosa paragogic”.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Aragog
The Basilic
The Basilisk is a Harry Potter animal and gigantic serpent released by the Slytherin heir in the Chamber of Secrets. He makes his appearance in volume 2 of Harry Potter. Basilisk is nicknamed the King of Snakes by wizards. It is an extremely rare but not unique beast. It is usually raised by dark mages and has become one of the most dangerous creatures in the wizarding world.
Some specimens are easily 15 meters tall, their scales are a brilliant green, and their two large yellow eyes can kill any being gazing into them. Its jaws have long hooks that inject deadly venom into the body of its prey. Basilisks are indomitable and impossible to tame unless the master speaks Parseltongue, the language of snakes.
Thanks to the infamous Dark Mage Hero’s discoveries, it seems that the Basilisk originated from a chicken egg hatched by a toad.
The venom of the basilica can destroy a Horcrux.
The Basilisk is a legendary mythological animal, but unlike the snake in Harry Potter, this one would be a small animal, a mixture of rooster and snake. Nevertheless, he would be credited with dictatorial powers of petrification. Coincidence? π
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – The Basilisk

Fawkes is the phoenix of Albus Dumbledore. It is red and gold and is approximately the size of a swan. It makes its first appearance in volume 2. At the end of its life, it ignites to be reborn from its ashes. Fawkes was the inspiration for the name of the resistance group “Order of the Phoenix”. This animal is also known to heal wounds by shedding tears and the ability to carry loads that can be 100 times its weight.
Two Fawkes feathers were used to make two distinct rods. The first of these two wands chose Tom Riddle (Voldemort) as a wizard, and the second chose Harry Potter.
Fawkes disappeared after the death of Albus Dumbledore.
Georges Cuvier (French anatomist) always compared the phoenix to a golden pheasant.
There is never more than one phoenix at a time. Their life expectancy would be at least 500 years.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Fawkes

Buck is a hippogriff, a hybrid creature, half horse, half eagle in appearance that is part of our top 10 animals in Harry Potter. A gryphon parent resembles a winged horse with the head and forelimbs of an eagle. Buck belonged to Hagrid before being sentenced to death in Book 3. In 1994, he escaped execution thanks to Harry and Hermione and the Time Turner’s powers, then saves himself by taking Sirius on his back.
For his safety, Buck was returned to Hagrid and renamed Ventdebout after Sirius’ death.
He took part in the war against Voldemort, where he showed remarkable loyalty to Harry, defending him in every danger.
Hippogriffs are certainly the most famous creatures visible and proud that they are.
Top 10 Animals in Harry Potter π – Buck

The Thestral is an exceptional winged horse in Harry Potter. Only characters who have seen death can see them. Their appearance is rather frightening: they are skeletal, dark, black, and have wings similar to bats. The Thestral has an exceptional sense of direction, which allows it to roam the air anywhere without getting lost: The Thestral takes the Order of the Phoenix: New Generation to the Ministry of Magic in full swing. Night in volume 5.
Despite their bad reputation, Thestrals do not bring bad luck. On the contrary, they are very benevolent.
The magical community hunts them.
They are the ones who pull the stagecoaches from Hogwarts when the students arrive.
Hagrid would be the only Briton to have succeeded in training them.
It’s still not clear why Bill Weasley can see them. (he rides a thong during the Battle of the Seven Potters).
Top 10 Animals in Harry Potter π – Thestral

Nagini is a gigantic female green snake at least 3 meters long, belonging to the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort. Nagini is also a Horcrux. She can communicate with her master in Parseltongue and warn him at any time, even from a distance, like Death Eaters. The hooks of this serpent inflict wounds that never heal: its victims bleed out. She dies beheaded by Neville Longbottom at the end of the last book.
The name and the character of Nagini would be inspired by Nagas, immortal Hindu mythological creatures, guardians of treasures, with the appearance of snakes. (nΔga means serpent in Hindu)
We notice that Nagini is the only living being for whom Voldemort has shown affection and attachment. In many ways, Voldemort may remind us of Adolf Hitler’s dictator. Still, when we know that the latter had forged an extraordinary bond with his dog “Blondi”, the similarities are even more significant.
There are rumours that the snake Harry released at the zoo in Book 1 could be Nagini. These are just rumours.
Top 10 animals in Harry Potter π – Nagini

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