Can you imagine being able to travel in time and land on our planet as it was millions of years ago? Stop imagining! You can meet the main dinosaurs by clicking on them: Triceratops Triceratops Ankylosaurus, Ankylosaurus Spinosaurus, Spinosaurus Allosaurus, Allosaurus Baryonyx Baryonyx T. Rex Stegosaurus Stegosaurus Oviraptor Oviraptor Diplodocus Diplodocus Velociraptor Velociraptor Torvosaurus Torvosaurus.
T. Rex Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus Ceratosaurus Ceratosaurus Abelisaurus Abelisaurus Travel back to a time where prehistoric predators with large teeth like the Tyrannosaurus rex roamed freely and ruled the earth.
It would be awesome. Both the T. rex, like all the other dinosaurs, are objects of fascination for young and old. We all long to know what was happening on our planet before that asteroid fell that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. But every good story deserves to be told from the beginning.
Before going into a detailed examination of dinosaurs’ history, we should answer a question that you may not have asked yourself. What are dinosaurs dino-baby-sleeping Article index 1 The reference web on dinosaurs? Videos, documentaries, and movies about dinosaurs Science defines a dinosaur as a clade or type of vertebrate reptile that dominated the earth for almost 200 million years.
Specifically, they inhabited during the Mesozoic era. Although the best known “terrible lizards” (What does dinosaur mean?)They were super carnivorous predators such as T. rex. There is also information on herbivorous and omnivorous dinosaurs that shows us that they were equally fascinating.
However, although we indeed have a lot of data about these prehistoric animals, we are still a long way from knowing everything about dinosaurs’ lives. If we are far away, that science has not yet come to reveal exactly what dinosaurs are like or what they were like. Dinosaurs were gigantic animals, terribly ferocious and with skin full of scales… Well, that’s how we imagine them or how the movies have shown them to us.
The reality is that paleontology still doesn’t know exactly what these prehistoric creatures were like. Although scientists strive to find and study dinosaurs (what remains of them), there are countless questions that paleontologists have not yet been able to answer with absolute consensus: Did they have feathers instead of scales?
Did they have hot blood or not? How did dinosaur babies come into the world? Are there species of dinosaurs that have been amazing mammals? Were dinosaur fights as fierce as they are portrayed in the movies? Although we are still far from knowing all the answers to these questions, we are closer to knowing the truth each day that a new fossil is discovered. We know it may seem impossible, but scientists uncover a ton of data on all the dinosaurs in the world with every bone they find.
Even if only a few teeth are studying, any finding can be a real revelation. From, we are not going to give you the answers that science has not yet reached, but what we are going to offer you is the best information about prehistoric dinosaurs that exist on the net. Our goal is to become the best and most comprehensive dinosaur encyclopedia on the internet. Don’t you believe us? Follow us, and we will open the doors of a fascinating and lethal world before your eyes.
The world of dinosaurs. In what era did dinosaurs live reptile-in-the-old-time “Did dinosaurs really exist?” We begin our journey through these prehistoric animals’ life with one of the most resounding doubts, the one that questions the very existence of these beings. Can we be sure that these creatures inhabited their land, or is the doubt reasonable? How can Paleontology know that dinosaurs inhabited our earth? Although it may be incredible, there is a certainty that these animals existed.
And if we can have that resounding security, it is thanks to the study of fossils. What are fossils? fossil-of-rex They are remains or marks left by the dinosaurs before they died, which has withstood the passing of the years. Dinosaur fossils have been found in excavations that have been made on the earth, but remains have also been found within large blocks of ice or amber.
And can the remains from the age of the dinosaurs be preserved intact? Of course. Although the most common remains are teeth or some bones, real fossils have been found. In 2013, the remains of Yuka, a 39,000-year-old baby mammoth, were found in Siberia. And we say baby because when Yuka died, she was only ten years old. Yuka’s discovery has been a revelation since she retains much of her fur and almost complete trunk. But don’t think that there are only fossils from when the dinosaurs lived. The oldest fossil ever found is 3.5 billion years old.
These are stromatolites, microorganisms that look more like a rock than an animal. 3.5 billion years. Wow. That surprising number may have led you to another question: When did dinosaurs appear? forest-giant The first prehistoric dinosaurs lived about 245 million years ago. Although we will explain it in depth later, we are referring to the Mesozoic era. If the dinosaurs’ appearance took “so long” to arrive, what happened in the meantime?
To locate yourself, we are going to explain the different periods of the earth that have occurred before the arrival of the Mesozoic chiefs: It was Protozoic: it originated 4.5 billion years ago. We are talking about the birth of our planet and the entire solar system. During this time, the first living cells and stromatolites that we mentioned before emerge. This era is divided into the Archaic and Precambrian periods. Paleozoic era: part of 590 million years ago. It is an era in which multiple evolutionary advances occurred.
The first was the aquatic beings. Mollusks or shell animals develop, and fish also begin to develop backbones. We are before the origin of the amphibians. But from this era are also sharks, which have not changed much since then.
The environment of this time is exceptional. It is the origin of gigantic fern forests. But not ferns like the current ones. We are talking about trees that reached up to 30 meters high. But if there is something that was a revolution at this time, it was the appearance of some very particular beings: the amniotes (the common ancestor of the dinosaurs). The age of reptiles had just begun. We are facing a time of incredible beings and surprisingly similar to dinosaurs.
We are referring to reptilian mammals, which in many cases are mistaken for real dinosaurs. The Paleozoic era is divided into the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian periods. And the end of the Permian, including the extinction of almost all known species, brings us to the Mesozoic era.
The era of the dinosaurs began. In what year did the first dinosaurs exist? Although we cannot offer specific date estimates when we talk about Paleontology, we can give you fairly approximate data. According to a study by a team of scientists from Argentina, Brazil, California, and the Utah Museum of Natural History, the first dinosauromorphs were found in the Middle Triassic (between 250 and 240 million years ago).
Dinosauromorphs are the distant grandparents or uncles of dinosaurs. Its best-known species are the Lewisuchus or the Lagerpeton. Although at first it was considered that there were many years of difference between the dinosauromorphs’ existence and the time of the dinosaurs, new findings have shown that this is not the case.
The first dinosaur that existed, or rather, the oldest dinosaur fossil ever found, dates back to about 243 million years. Right on the border between the Middle and Late Triassic. It was the Nyasasaurus Barrington. Now that you know the date of birth of these prehistoric animals, we address one of the most important concepts: How were dinosaurs created? How did they evolve into what they were? When we talked about the time before the ages of the dinosaurs, we talked about the amphibians’ arrival. From amphibians, we passed to the age of reptiles, from the first amniotes. We mention the amniotes again as they are essential in the process.